How To Use Our FREE Recycling Program!
Good MOO-s! We've partnered with TerraCycle to launch a 100% FREE Recycling Program so that our loyal herd can responsibly dispose of their old bottles & bits. You could say we made our love for the environment official and committed to it for real! Cue the wedding bells, with a recycled plastic dress and all.
But how exactly does this program work? Where does the packaging go? And, what happens to it? Let’s break it down right now.
How does the recycling program work?
TerraCycle is on a mission to eliminate the idea of waste. They do this in a few ways, one of them being by working with brands (like us!) who sponsor a program for their customers (that’s you!) to be able to use the innovative up-cycling system that TerraCycle has implemented in large-scale.
Sign up to the program
First, you hop on to their website, create a totally free-of-charge TerraCycle account, and simply sign up to the MooGoo Skin Care Recycling Program. You’ll now find everything you need on your account – like the pre-paid postage label for your goodies.
Collect your empties
Reuse any cardboard box you have, and start collecting all your eligible MooGoo, MooGoo Makeup and Dr Zoo packaging components. Things that can be recycled as part of the program include bottles, tubes, jars, pumps, sprays, caps, roll-ons, shakers, refill pouches, mascara tubes, blush cases and more! Find the full list over on our TerraCycle Program page.
Print your free shipping label
Once your box is all filled up, you’re ready to send it off to be recycled! Remember that postage label we mentioned earlier? Now’s the part where you sign back into your account, click ‘request a postage label’, and then follow the prompts to download and print your free, pre-paid shipping label.
Ship off to the plastic saviours.
Tape up your box, affix the pre-paid shipping label, and drop it off at your local Australia Post branch. Now it’s on the way to the waste warriors at TerraCycle, and you’ve contributed to letting less go into landfill. Well done! You can sleep easy tonight.
What does TerraCycle do with the packaging?
Now here’s where we get down to the nitty-gritty. All the packages get collected at a local TerraCycle Material Recovery Facility. It sounds a bit fancy but bare with us. This is where they scan the GOO-ds, sort, and aggregate all the material to be deep cleaned, and separate them into different categories based on technical characteristics like size weight, and composition. Once this is done, they send them on to a third-party partner who processes these materials into usable forms. For example, plastics are shredded or ground, and then melted and reformatted so that manufacturers can create things like outdoor furniture, playground surfaces, shipping pallets, watering cans … you get the picture! It’s quite amazing, if we may say so ourselves. If you keep an eye out the next time you walk around your neighbourhood, you might see the little ‘made from recycled materials’ tag on the local playground!
If that sounds as good to you as it does to us, go on and sign up today!
If you really need another reason, you’ll also get a sweet $10 OFF your next order with us when you do. Win! Remember to snap a photo of you collecting your MooGoo empties, share on socials and tag @moogooskincare to help inspire more of the herd to make the same MOO-ves.