OK, so you're sold on the idea of moisturising, but with a billion choices to choose from, understandably, you may have questions about who, what, where, why and how. Since we're all busy these days, here are the top 5 most asked misunderstandings about moisturisers.

Psoriasis cannot be cured, only managed, and there's currently a raft of misinformation out there about causes and treatments, with many steering clear of beer or guzzling celery juice (Kim Kardashian) and a lot of confusion about whether bleach baths do any good. So, we've put our faculties to the test to dispel the following myths:

Shopping for hair care products, whether perusing the hair care section at your local pharmacy, or scrolling through the bazillion options online, can leave you feeling confused and overwhelmed, or excited and hopeful. There are so many options when it comes to shampoo, and let's not talk about all the conditioners, leave-in creams, detangling sprays, scalp treatments and trending hair masks