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Tag 'moisturise'
5 Misunderstood Myths about Moisturisers

OK, so you're sold on the idea of moisturising, but with a billion choices to choose from, understandably, you may have questions about who, what, where, why and how. Since we're all busy these days, here are the top 5 most asked misunderstandings about moisturisers. 

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5 Skin Saving Tips For The Best Baths Ever

Baths can often wreak havoc on the skin, causing sucky sensitivity. But it doesn't have to be that way! Simply, follow our favourite 5 steps below, so babies, children and grown ups can enjoy bathtime again.

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Why Your Skincare Routine Needs A Serum

If you’re trying to cut through the marketing hype and decide if serums are worth your while (and your hard-earned MOO-lah), the short answer is: YES! The long answer? It depends on what serum, and more specifically, what ingredients that serum is formulated with. But all ingredients aren't created equal, so there are a few things we suggest you keep in mind while perusing the skincare aisles in search of a serum (or any other skincare product for that matter):

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Which Moisturiser Is Best for Me?

Not sure which MooGoo Moisturiser to pick? We created our creams with specific solutions in mind, so here’s what each of our moisturisers has to offer so you can make a confident decision on what will suit you the best!

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Baby 3 Step Skincare Routine

When we think of baby skin, we think of incredibly soft, plump, perfect skin. But that’s not always the case, baby skin is more often than not very sensitive and easily irritated, leading to bumps, rashes, dryness, and discolouration… We created the MooGoo Baby Range when our own little ones came along because we wanted to know exactly what we were putting on their skin. 

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Baby Range FAQs

As parents ourselves we understand how important it is to be informed and up to date with what ingredients you're putting on your child. So for peace of mind we've created a little list of all the answers to your frequently asked questions!


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